Why Your Posture Matters

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“Never slouch, as doing so compresses the lungs, overcrowds other vital organs, rounds the back, and throws you off balance.”

– Joseph Pilates

Has anyone ever told you to sit-up tall and stop slouching? As you become tired in your day, do you find yourself leaning back more into your office chair or feeling discomfort in your upper neck or low back areas? In 2015 report from the Bureau of Labour Statistics reports on average, people missed 8 days of work due to 32% musculoskeletal disorders. [1] Poor postural alignment may lead to the following symptoms: 

  • muscle pain in upper neck and low back areas 
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • arthritis 
  • spinal curvature 
  • fatigue 
  • tension headaches / migraines 
  • misaligned vertebrae 
  • digestive issues 
  • constipation 
  • constricted blood vessels/ poor circulation 
  • varicose veins [11, 12]
  • diabetes [4, 8]
  • coronary heart disease [4, 6, 8]
  • cancer [7]
  • difficulty breathing 

Our bodies were designed to move and when we sit for long periods of time our posture starts to modify.  The good news is, we can change our posture and improve our overall health.  Instead of sitting at your workstation for 40+ hours each week, incorporating standing is a great way to shift your posture and make you become more aware of your spinal alignment in space.  Investing in a sit-stand workstation is one tool to help you with your posture.  We have more blogs specific about setting up an ergonomic friendly office workstation related to keyboards, chairs, mats, electric vs. manual standing desk converters, bicycling vs. treadmill desk options and more. 

Regardless of your workstation, we have simple movement tips you can incorporate into your daily routine to help reduce muscle tension and stiffness.   It is important to have daily posture checks to keep you honest and mindful of your body.  Starting a weekly yoga and / or pilates wellness routine can help with whole body movement, breathing, balanced muscle development, concentration, control, centering, precision, rhythm and more.  

Practice the posture wall test and movement tips listed in our posture check blog.  If you found this blog post helpful please share with your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors.

We have additional blog post specific to pilates, pre/post natal, bone building for osteoporosis/osteopenia, mindful meditation, restorative yoga therapy, partner and endurance training.  We believe in treating the whole person with a holistic approach and blend our knowledge and training of movement, nutrition, massage therapy and traditional chinese medicine.  

We love teaching mindful movement and are here to support you in your journey. We offer customized online remote training from anywhere in the world. Contact us today to get started and learn to move with less pain and greater ease. We look forward to partnering with you and answering your movement questions and/or concerns.   

Assumption of the Risk: By attempting any of the exercises, you do so at your own risk.  We make no representations, guarantees or warranties that the information or exercises on this blog are appropriate for you or will result in improvements of your medical condition or function.  

Not medical advice or physical therapy.  This content is intended to provide information and instructions on general exercises that may help increase strength, mobility, and function for specific areas of the body.  It is not intended to be a substitute for obtaining a medical diagnosis or medical or physical therapy advice from a qualified licensed provider.  You should seek medical advice from a qualified physician or physical therapist before trying any of the exercises or self-treatment suggestions on this blog, particularly if your pain is from a traumatic injury or event. 
