Our Story

I have always loved challenging myself and learning new things. One of the most important things I’ve learned over the years is that exercise is medicine. When done safely, exercise can be extremely rewarding, and everyone can enjoy its positive results.
Growing up in southern California, I spent most of my time outdoors exploring and competing in athletic events. With all the wear and tear I placed on my body without any core training, it was only a matter of time before I had my first ACL knee surgery. It wasn’t until I literally was forced to re-learn how to walk again through countless hours of physical therapy that I begin to consciously think about the relationship between mind and body. For so many years, I was trained to make my movements quick, powerful, explosive and clean without really understanding how my body was designed to move naturally at the joints. I used to think if I only learned how to force my body into a position, then with time and practice I would naturally achieve my goal … meanwhile, I was neglecting the physiological signs of over-training and was straining my body.
I am happy to say that I have since learned first-hand the value of stopping to acknowledge what might seem like everyday aches and pains, and questioning what might be causing them, instead of ignoring the symptoms and continuing to train. Typically in western medicine we are taught to use medication to silence the symptoms our bodies are sending us, but if we never take the time to understand how our bodies are designed to function, then we continue to repeat the same movement patterns with poor posture and lack of body awareness, ultimately leading to a chronic injury (or injuries).
Education & Certifications
- Currently working on Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) from A.T. Still University
- Bachelor of Science (BS) in Psychology from Santa Clara University
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy from University of Malta
- Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery PWR!Moves® Certified Therapist
- American Bone Health Osteoporosis Speaker
- US Rowing Coach (levels I & II)
- Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) from the United States
- Graston Technique Trained
- Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP)
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Cupping
- Yoga Teacher RYT 200
- Yin Yoga
- Restorative Yoga
- Kids’ Yoga
- National Pilates Certification Teacher
- Polestar Comprehensive Pilates Instructor
- Balanced Body University Comprehensive Pilates Instructor
- Oov Fundamentals & Apparatus
- CoreAlign
- DONNA Doula (Pre/Postnatal)
- Lactation Educator
Areas of Specialty
- Neuro Rehab
- Concussive Injury
- Pelvic Floor Health
- Pre/Post Rehab
- Prenatal/ Postpartum
- Doula Care
- Lactation Educator
- Osteoporosis/ Osteopenia
- Scoliosis